Showing posts with label trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trump. Show all posts

Monday, May 24, 2021

IS IT TIME TO LEAVE YOUR CHURCH? WHY I LEFT MINE: Christian Blogger Lorilyn Roberts

If you are like me, your church is your family. It’s where you go for help, where you go for prayer, where you share your dreams, where you worship the Lord you love, and where you unite with like-minded individuals who share your commitment to Jesus Christ.

When I divorced in 1986, I stayed in Gainesville, Florida, because I didn’t want to leave my church.

When I arrived home with my first daughter from Nepal on May 8, 1994, which happened to be Mother’s Day, my prayer group greeted me at the airport. One of the church leaders prayed over us.

My church was my primary source of support through my year-long bout with late-stage breast cancer. To this day, some people in the church are still some of my dearest friends.

So, what happened that led me to leave my beloved church in October 2020?

The final betrayal to me was when the church leadership abandoned the preeminence of the unborn baby in the mother’s womb. If you aren’t pro-life in every way, then you have left your first love—Jesus Christ.

I have since learned that some of my closest friends and cohorts are pro-choice. They won’t come out and say it, but the truth speaks louder than words when pressed.

One friend said other issues were as important to her as the abortion issue, and she wasn’t a one-topic voter. In fact, she had become a registered Democrat. She hated Trump. A cohort this last week said she could not talk to me about her position on abortion. She also hated Trump.

After being shocked by what they said, sadness filled my heart. I can understand why someone who isn’t a Christian might think abortion is a viable birth control measure; I can’t understand how a Christian could ever feel that way. 

Is it because the evangelical church has become so compromised, so wishy-washy, so consumed with materialism and losing tithers that, in essence, they are the end-time Laodicean church? Neither hot nor cold, they can neither inspire a generation of soul seekers for Christ nor can they discern the signs of the imminent return of Christ.

I’ve discovered many folks who profess to be evangelicals have an amillennial view of the reign of Christ. That means they don’t believe in a literal thousand-year worldwide rule of our Savior as King of kings. 

We live in a time of “tribal” warfare, and I believe this is intentional by God. It’s easy to believe there is safety in numbers. Surround yourself with liars, and you will become one yourself. I understood the millennium just from reading the Bible. I had to have someone interpret amillennialism for me because I could never find it in the Bible.

My former, long-time church in Gainesville, Florida, is filled with doctors, professors, and intellectuals who are much more learned than I am. How easy it is to be intimidated by “teachers” who are more educated. You believe they know better than you—especially a church that “worships” knowledge and prides itself on its meticulous study of Scripture and rightly dividing the Word.

If you visited my former church, that is what would impress you—the supremacy given to Bible study and becoming a learned disciple of Jesus Christ. Of course, there are other good things about my former church, but it’s the lack of living out that faith in accordance with the Scriptures that shattered me.

What specifically led to my leaving? My former church refused to post a letter from James Dobson that I wanted to be made available to the congregants that focused on the differences between the Republican and Democratic platforms.

During that same general time, one of the pastors led a prayer from the pulpit, encouraging the congregation to bend the knee for our confessed and unconfessed prejudice toward African-Americans.

I sent a blog post to my pastors about the origins of Black Lives Matter and a video by Pastor Brandon Holthaus at Rock Harbor Church, in Bakersfield, California, concerning the dangers of Critical Race Theory. One of the pastors emailed me back, “If I follow this pastor’s thinking to his logical conclusion, he would call me a useful idiot.”

That same pastor said it was wrong to close our southern borders to families with children coming here for freedom. We agreed to disagree. I worked as a court reporter for over twenty years. I believe we must follow all the laws of this great nation as they are written. We can change those laws if they aren’t working. We can’t find all those missing people who have entered our country illegally once they are here. I captioned one of the hearings on C-Span where they talked about this very thing. Most of them never show up for their court hearing. That’s why we have so many illegal aliens in our country.

Think about the ramifications—actually, now you don’t need to. Just watch Fox News and see the consequence of open borders—the heartbreak, the misery, and the suffering. We will be paying the price forever. How sad for all those victims—and it was completely avoidable. My former pastor got what he wanted.

Someone who shall remain anonymous told me that every elder of my former church voted for Biden except one. How tragic. Years ago, there was a book for kids titled, What Would Jesus Do? I wonder, would Jesus have voted for Trump? God has allowed Biden to be our president for a time, but I don’t think he was God’s choice.

When my former church implemented the mask mandate, I returned once. After an hour of torture, I realized I could not sit through a church service wearing a covering over my face and worship the God I love.

One of the elders on the board of my former church is an infectious disease doctor, and he went along with the official treatment narrative of the CDC. Because he said Remdesivir was the best treatment available, everybody at church believed him—everybody except me. He also said hydroxychloroquine was an unacceptable alternative. I knew that wasn’t true.

What about the church’s position on Israel? One member told me she did not believe the promises of God to Israel applied today and that she supported the Palestinians. Now I think this perversion of truth permeated the church’s underlying thought. I don’t remember ever praying corporately for Israel. Based on a sermon one of the pastors gave on the Olivet Discourse, I asked him afterward if he believed in Replacement Theology. He asked me what that was. Perhaps he just wanted to make sure he understood my question. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. 

I anticipate a rocky road ahead for the Christian church. Many evangelical leaders, because they hate Trump, have lost, in my opinion, the ability to lead. John Piper, Max Lucado, Russell Moore, and Tim Keller are four high-profile Christian leaders whose books I read and pastors/authors I admired. I gave away all of my books that they wrote, and I had dozens.

I know many people will disagree with me, and I’m okay with that. I am accountable to God for everything I write and for what I believe. I fear God—not man. For those who share my deeply-held beliefs, know you aren’t alone. Just because a doctor, a pastor, or an intellectual tells you that abortion is acceptable, be a Berean. Search the Scriptures and ask yourself: How is abortion different from child sacrifice to Baal? We know what God said about that. What you may not know is that there is power in that blood—and the Satanists need that power to carry out their demonic purposes. We are waging a battle for the souls of humankind—people that God sent His Son to die for. 

Satan hates all human life, and babies in the womb are an easy target because they are defenseless. Too many have closed their ears to their helpless cries and hardened their hearts to the truth.  The babies’ organs are harvested—harvested while they are still living. Imagine having your limbs pulled off and your organs removed while you are still alive. And you want to tell me you can’t stand up for the unborn child? Anyone who voted for Biden or who calls himself pro-choice will have to answer to God.

I have now officially joined a Messianic congregation, Kol Simcha, in Gainesville, Florida. I am growing once again in my faith and am thankful to be part of a dynamic pro-family, pro-Israel, pro-freedom church that loves the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua Hamashiach. I feel a soul connection and find peace and serenity with other believers who are waiting expectantly for our Savior’s return.

Amid a world turned upside-down, where evil is called good and good is called evil, I’m thankful to unite with others who share my heart for God. I believe no matter what comes, I am safe. I am where I need to be.

If you are unhappy with your church, ask God to lead you somewhere else. Don’t stay in a compromised church. While I believe revival is coming, I also think persecution is coming. 

If the government can mandate a young child to wear a mask, shut down churches, and lie to you, it will have no qualms asking YOU to take the “mark of the beast.” It’s only a matter of time.

Get ready now to fight the greatest battle you’ve ever fought. If you aren’t willing to live for Jesus Christ, you will never be willing to die for Him.



Sunday, November 29, 2020



I truly believe Trump will be our next president. Biden is a usurper, and there is no way our Lord and Savior is going to let a usurper take the "throne" over the United States of America. God is a God of justice, and Biden is not the rightful winner. He is the enemy's choice.

There are many more souls in America yet to be saved before the tribulation begins, and Satan wants to usher in that seven-year period now before God's appointed time. God will not allow that to happen. 

Too many Christians all over the world have prayed for our nation, for Trump, for the unborn child, for religious freedom, and for justice. I think we are about to see the Third Great Awakening, and God will make it obvious who the traitors are in our country. God will not be mocked. The indictments are coming. 

The globalist agenda that Biden and the Left advocate paves the way for the anti-Christ to come on the stage and assert his leadership, perhaps through the United Nations. If Biden were to become president, that process would be sped up too soon.

If Biden had been chosen by the people, that would be one thing. But that didn't happen. The evidence will be revealed that this election was stolen from Trump.

Throughout Biblical history, usurpers have tried to take control away from those God has chosen. Esau tried to usurp Jacob, Adonijah, David's son, tried to usurp the throne from David (and Solomon), and Satan has tried to ursurp Jesus as King of kings, and seize His throne. 

As the truth unravels about the 2020 election, be prepared for the Internet to go down, for food supplies to be cut off, for violence to increase, and for signs in the heavens to be revealed. These are the "birth pangs" Jesus talked about in the Olivet Discourse.

Earthquakes and hatred among ethnic groups will only increase thanks to groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. However, while the Restrainer is still on Earth, Satan's power is limited by the Holy Spirit who dwells within Christian believers.

In the meantime, I continue to "occupy," doing what I can to reach the lost for Christ. But I'll be honest: I can't wait to "hear the Lion roar" when Jesus raptures us up into the clouds to meet Him. Don't miss it! 

Repent of your sins, acknowledge Jesus as your Lord and Savior, who died on the cross to save you from your sins, and call on His name. Believe in your heart that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. There is only one way to heaven, and that's through Yeshua, the Messiah.

Sunday, January 20, 2019


A good friend of mine who lives in England sent me this link to read from Elijah List. 

I hope you will click on the link and read what Johnny Enlow has to say. I haven't posted much lately because I have been working on The Howling and there is so much I want to say, I end up almost paralyzed because of the lack of sufficient time to write what needs to be said and finish my book. 

So in bits and pieces, I’m going to put things on my blog. I respond to a lot of emails, and here's one that I wrote in response to a good friend in England. If you read the blog post at the link, you will understand my comments below more fully. If you don't have time to do that, just read my blog post below. It’s important that Christians learn what's really going on in America.

Good article. It’s nice to see that he and I are in complete agreement on almost everything. The biggest difference is he has a more optimistic view of the immediate future than I do. I hope that all the pedophilia and corruption in Washington is revealed. I hope God sends those involved to prison. But justice doesn’t always happen here. Some justice will only be meted out in eternity.

God’s Kingdom is expanding and spreading to every tribe that has yet to hear the Gospel. You know the story of the wheat and the tares. God is allowing those tares to exist until the harvest is ripe. Will those tares be uprooted before Jesus returns? 

I’m not sure. I can’t remember your stance on the rapture, but either way, whether we are taken out before Jesus’s return or after He returns, the end result is the same: God wins, and all those who rejected Him will face an eternity in hell.

Now, here is something I want you to think about. I do believe God’s kingdom comes here to earth. Without a tiny shadow of any doubt. It’s here now, growing and expanding. But I don’t think it fully comes in all Its glory until Jesus is sitting on His throne in Jerusalem. It’s a timing thing. 

I think this writer (see link above, Johnny Enlow, Elijah List) thinks God’s kingdom will come shortly to earth in our time because it’s expanding now, and all evil will be stamped out or pushed back in the next few years under Trump’s leadership. I wish that might be so. Especially if Jesus tarries.  

But I don’t know if the kind of righteousness Enlow is describing can happen or if we are so far down this path of unholiness that the future is determined, set, and God is just holding back evil until every last person has heard the Gospel and everyone whose name that’s written in the Book of Life has been redeemed.

I think things are going to get darker — and I think you think things are going to get brighter. I hope you are right for my children’s sake. But the church here is asleep. Really asleep. If the church doesn’t wake up — I don’t know what will happen. 

For sure, Trump has taken on the powers of darkness like no one in recent history. And VERY FEW people have a clue. He’s hated without cause. Like someone else we know. 

This is something very concerning to me that no one has talked about. If something happens to Trump, Pence becomes the acting President (and I’m not sure if he might not have some skeletons in his closet that I won’t mention out of respect for him and because those reports could be fallacious). 

But if both Trump and Pence were removed from office, either by impeachment or death, do you know who is next in line? Nancy Pelosi. She is corrupt to the core, I mean really corrupt. Awful corrupt. She is the Democratic leader in the House now and is the number one person blocking Trump’s wall. The only female more corrupt than her is Hillary (in my opinion).

We are living in perilous times. I am praying more than ever for our country. Looks like Brexit might not go through despite the fact the people voted for it. What do you think about Macron?  He is someone we need to watch very carefully.

Lorilyn Roberts

Sunday, September 16, 2018


Recently on Facebook, one of my author friends posted a link to this article: The title is, “What My Escape from Hitler's Germany Taught Me About Trump's America.”

The title is provocative and drew me in to read it. But as I read it, I realized the writer was so influenced by the liberal media that it wasn’t even accurate. I couldn't leave a comment without a paid subscription. Here are my thoughts:

Last week during the Kavanaugh hearings for U.S. Supreme Court Justice, protestors wreaked havoc during the proceedings. I captioned it on C-Span, and it was obvious it was staged. The next day, I saw a video that showed that those protestors were paid to agitate by liberal-leaning leftists like Soros. The exchange of money was caught on video.

Before World War II, the media controlled the Hitler propaganda, just like the media controls the information that goes out over the U.S. airwaves. They get their marching orders from about five corporations that control over ninety percent of the news outlets in the U.S. They slant it to appear the way they want, which is, for one thing among many, advocating for open borders (the refugee crisis). Open borders take away nationalism because of the merging of boundaries, and taking away our guns makes it easier for those who have guns to control those who don’t.

Trying to make comparisons of Trump to Hitler is ridiculous. Hitler served time in prison; he was heavily influenced and mentored by occultists. He was a racist to the core. Hitler had not accomplished anything with his life except being a criminal before he ran for office.

Just because someone is a nationalist does not make him a Hitler. Quite to the contrary, it’s important that people consider themselves American if they want to live here. That’s what binds us together as a country: Our values, our language, our culture, our history, and our freedoms. We are Americans first. Certainly, you wouldn't call Gandhi a Hitler, and he was a nationalist. 

Hitler was a fascist (communist by a different name). Trump is not. Remember, the Bible says the anti-Christ will be a world leader. He will come to power by intrigue. That's what globalization is about, among many things—the centralization of power and forming a one-world government.

For example, you can trace the origins of the U.N. back to a desire for a one-world government. Global warming is a globalist agenda, and you have to buy into their version of the truth to believe it is a problem. Perhaps it’s part of the end-time deception. One thing I do know: God controls the weather, not man.

In addition, Hitler’s solution was to gas people that didn’t fit his white Aryan race prototype. Trump is pro-life. All life, including the baby in the womb.

Trump is not anti-Semitic. He is behind Israel more than any other U.S President. That means he is behind the Jews. I thank God that Trump is accomplishing things other presidents didn’t have the guts to do. We didn’t vote a saint into office. We voted for someone that wouldn't kowtow to people like Kim Jong-Il and Putin and Iran. 

There are many issues we face as a country, but what the President does in his private life, if it’s not illegal, shouldn’t be on the front-page headlines. If Trump wants to have sex with someone that isn’t his wife, that's between him, his wife, and God. I don’t care what he does in his own bedroom, and I sure don’t want to hear about it day after day after day.

I do care about what he does for my country. Maybe those “hot” topics should be relegated to the tabloids for those who don’t have anything better to do than reading gossip. The media has become like a “used car salesman with no ethics” and insulted American intelligence. Unfortunately, I have to caption all that mudslinging. Oh, how the media has changed since I first started captioning twenty years ago. 

On the Palestinean issue, those people aren’t refugees. That’s a complete misnomer. That would be like saying people that moved here from Vietnam because of the Vietnam War are refugees. Those people have settled in and become part of the American fabric. And that was back in the 1970s that they came, not the 1940s. Israel defeated all those Islamic countries in battle. They fought and won. The land is theirs. They paid in blood for it. In addition, the last time I read my Bible, it says God gave that land to them.

Do I need to keep going? Don’t buy into the lies the media is spreading. If you want to make comparisons to Nazi Germany, the one worth making is the media. Think Huxley's “1984.” 

The writer of this piece is drawing incorrect parallelisms. It is good, though, to remember. It’s always good to remember what happened. We must remember what happened or else the young people will believe it never happened. 

Yes, there are far-right extremists, but they aren’t the problem. Just like “1984,” the media is skewing the truth. If we aren’t careful, soon they will have us believe two plus three equals four.

Last night I captioned former V.P. Joe Biden’s remarks on C-span addressing the Human Rights Campaign’s annual dinner at the Washington Convention Center. He brought up the Kavanaugh hearing, and it was obvious to me that it comes down to one thing: Roe v. Wade. It comes down to protecting the life of the baby in the womb. 

In the bigger picture, I truly believe we will be held accountable for where we stand on this issue when we face God. God is big and unknowable, but He judges us in a way that demands we make a choice. That way, we have no excuse.

I also think nations will be judged in two ways, among many, but these two ways in particular:  How they treated the innocent (the baby in the womb), and how they treated Israel.  While Trump has many flaws, on these two important topics, we know where he stands.

Again, we will be judged both as a nation and individually. The media will be long gone when we stand before God and give an accounting for the choices we made. What are you going to tell God? Read the Bible and pray for our country. I am haunted by the sixty million abortions that have been performed in America and the countless deaths of innocent children in the womb in other countries that followed us and legalized abortion.

If we have a nuclear exchange, will sixty million of our soldiers die? I don’t know, but I do know that God is just. We can ask God’s forgiveness and pray that Roe v. Wade is overturned. That will only be possible if we have somebody like Kavanaugh elected to be the next Supreme Court Justice. James 5:16 says: “The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much.” 

One more quick comment: Just as God hardened Potiphar’s heart when he refused to let the Israelites leave Egypt, the choices you make today may be the last chance you have to make those choices. In other words, once you choose, God might harden your heart to where you no longer have a choice. Another way of saying it is that Satan will have his way because that’s what you chose when the choice was yours to make. There comes a time when that ability to choose can be taken.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, pray for America, pray for the unborn, and pray for God’s salvation. Invest every minute living out your faith at work, at home, and with others. Live like you have no tomorrow.

You can read more of Lorilyn Roberts’ blogposts at

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


I am extremely concerned about the role the American media is playing in the political arena. I fully expect this video to be deleted at some point in the future from Youtube, so I'm going to describe it. 

Basically, Lisa Haven is giving clips on the backlash against Trump, and it's crossed the line, folks. I believe a Civil War is coming to America. The liberals cannot accept the fact Trump won the election. 

We are a nation of laws. If this continues - the proclivity to violence and the attempt to undermine our President's authority - can our democracy survive? 

As I continue to work on my book, Seventh Dimension - The Howling, I came across this passage from Revelation 13:4-7:  

So they worshipped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshipped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months. Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If anyone has an ear, let him hear.

I've worked as a broadcast captioner for about twenty years, and before that as a court reporter for twenty years. The last forty years of my life I have been paid to write down the spoken word, to put those words onto the written page. Let me tell you, when Revelation says, "He [Antichrist] was given a mouth," that means he was given a platform, he was given a microphone by the media. 

The media gives people a mouthpiece so their voice can be heard. You've heard the expression, "fifteen minutes of fame." 

The Antichrist will have all the fame he needs because the media will be his voice. They will be his mouthpiece. They will be his captive audience. Revelation 13:4-7 as quoted above tells us so.

For anyone who thinks Trump is the Antichrist, think again. He's too hated to be the Antichrist. The Antichrist will be loved by the media. He will use their microphones, their pens, their websites, their blogs, their editorials - on TV, on the Internet, on Twitter, on Facebook, famous celebs and occultists. I don't need to tell you who they are. 

If you are a liberal bashing Trump, please stop. Think before you speak. He is our President. Do you want his presidency to succeed? Or do you want it to fail? If he fails, our country fails. 

Are you a true American? If you are, then support him. Stand by him. If you can't do that, then be silent and vote him out of office in the next election. 

Satan wants to cause division and strife in our country. His greatest weapon is deception. If he can use the media to present a partial truth, he'll do it, and, in the process, destroy the uninformed masses, those who don't question what they hear and don't know what's really going on. Don't be part of that. Satan is setting the stage for a future world leader who will be the Antichrist. He will use the media as his mouthpiece. 

Trump wants to make America great again. That goes against the New World Order and the agenda set by those who are bent on world domination and globalization. Don't fall for it. The only one who can rule this world effectively is Jesus Christ. 

Don't give the devil a voice. Question what you hear in the American news. And that includes the immigration issue. What you hear has been twisted to use children as human shields and evoke sympathy from those who don't realize the truth. 

Many of those children are being brought over for nefarious purposes by people who are not their parents. How many caring parents would risk their children's safety by entering a country illegally? Many of those children are being trafficked. 

The children need our prayers. They are the victims. One solution is rather simple:  Perform a genetic test to see if the children and the parents' DNA match. It takes less than twenty-four to get the results. Those that don't match have no business being here. And maybe those children really do need to be separated from those "potential predators."

Unfortunately, there is a bigger issue involved here, and it goes back to Trump. The media, the left, the elitists, and the New World Order are using this tragic situation to put forth their own agenda, one of which is to destroy Trump's presidency. I could say more, but my point is for you, the reader, to think. Don't take my word for it. Remember, II Thessalonians 2:11: For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

Again, I say, question. Don't believe it's true just because the media says it's so. Don't fall for the lie. Be a thinker. Question more.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


I’ve heard too many friends and people I respect say they won’t vote for Donald Trump. I don’t need to rehash them here. Instead, I’m going to tell you why I will be voting for Donald Trump.

For those who don’t know me, I’m an evangelical Christian and single mother by choice. I am self-employed and provide closed captioning for television when I’m not blogging or writing books.

I’ve been deeply troubled by the 2016 presidential race and am thankful much of the riffraff of the Republican nomination is over. I’ve painfully watched the name calling, accusations, and personal attacks and wonder where proper decorum has gone.

Is there no decency left in America? What kind of future awaits my daughters? Of course, because they are so young, they will never know what has changed. They will never know the glory days of America. Those days are gone. I feel liberalism breathing down our necks, massive debt burdening our families, world instability threatening global peace, and out-of-control, illegal immigration overwhelming our country’s infrastructure. Is it too late for America?

As a voter, I want to believe my vote will count when I go to the polls. I want to believe it is not too late. Voting is a sacred trust given to us by the men and women who have died for our freedom. Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and render unto God the things that are God’s.” In this one statement, God commands us to render our voting rights to the president.

I’ve heard some people say they aren’t going to vote because they can’t support Trump or Clinton. I cringe when I hear that. This election isn’t about you—it’s about the future. We must do our duty before God and man and render what is due to both Caesar and God. 

However, I must admit, I am disgruntled. At times during the debates, I wanted to scream at my television. “Candidates, can we talk about the issues?

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the presumptive nominees unless Sanders pulls off something magical. Even though I don’t care for either choice, I hope an election actually takes place. I would not be surprised if some “natural disaster” happens between now and November and the elections are canceled. Another year of Obama might make me consider packing up and leaving this country, although I have no idea where I would go. I can guarantee you, I won’t go to London.

I have to remind myself in more depressing moments—and there have been many affecting our country during the last few years—God isn’t mocked. He is not sitting in heaven wringing His hands worrying about the United States.

In the grand scheme of things, we’re just a small blip on the radar, but God chose us to lead the world for the last two hundred years. We’ve been the bastion of freedom, a great experiment by our forefathers, but I believe as moral decline continues, so does our favored place (aside from Israel) in the heart of God. Judgment is surely coming.

Whatever God wills, it will happen. If I were a betting woman (which I’m not), I believe Trump will win the election in November. Why? His spectacular emergence as the frontrunner seems almost supernatural. For a man who has never held public office, it’s unprecedented. I can’t think of a parallel for his success anywhere in history. I don’t believe he could have wrapped up the Republication nomination the way he did without God’s help.

I recently read an article where scholars have said the Bible Code points to Hillary Clinton winning. Since the code usually validates events after they happen, I’m not sure how much credence it deserves, but one thing is for sure: If the same twenty-five million Christians who didn’t go to the polls in the last election choose not to vote this November, the outcome will be the same. Hillary Clinton will win. Christians hold the trump card. They will determine the next president.

Before I give the reasons why I’m voting for Trump, let me say why I won’t vote for Hillary Clinton. As a woman, I’m tired of the “stereotypical rhetoric” that most women will vote for Hillary. I can tell you, she won’t get my vote. Her role in the Benghazi attack is shameful. If she had confessed to what really happened and come clean, it would be different, but she hasn’t. That’s all I’m going to say about Hillary Clinton.

Here are my reasons for voting for Donald Trump.

First, Donald Trump will stand up to Putin, ISIS, or anybody who crosses him. There are far too many bullies right now on the world scene. We need a strong leader.

Second, Trump isn’t beholden to special interest groups. I’m tired of the interest of the few outweighing the interest of the majority. You may not agree with everything Trump says or does (and I can tell you I don’t. Sometimes I don’t even like him), but I think he will clean up Washington. The Republicans have failed miserably to accomplish anything worth remembering in the last eight years. I’m tired of hoping for change. I’m tired of the rhetoric. I’m tired of being tired.

In eight years, look at what has happened in America—we now allow men in women’s bathrooms, have legalized same-sex marriage, and racial tensions have escalated. I thought Obama was going to fix that.

I address this comment to Paul Ryan, the current Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives: Why aren’t you supporting the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee? If you are convinced you can’t, can you keep it to yourself, please? You are a good example of what’s wrong with Washington. I guess President Obama has taught you well.

Let me digress. I worked as a court reporter for over fifteen years, and at the end of each trial, the judge gives the charge to the jury where he tells the jury what laws apply to the case. The charge always concludes with a variance of the following statement: “You may not like the laws as I have given them to you, but you are bound to uphold them.”

The nominating process has rules, Speaker Ryan. I hope the Republican Party does its duty under the law and carries out that process according to the will of the people. The people have spoken (those who call themselves Republicans).

Trump has financed his campaign to this point and that has kept him from being “bought.” If at some point he accepts campaign contributions, I hope he doesn’t cross the line. We all know what that line is.

The third reason why I’m voting for Donald Trump isBen Carson endorsed him. I have great respect for Dr. Carson. He was my first choice for president, and when he bowed out, my vote went to Ted Cruz in the primary. Now that Mr. Cruz is no longer in the race, I’m embracing Carson’s endorsement. I’m sure Dr. Carson gave a lot of consideration before his announcement, knowing there would be backlash and criticism. If Donald Trump is “good enough” for Dr. Carson, a born-again Christian, he is good enough for me.

The fourth reason I’m voting for Donald Trump is he supports Israel. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. God has made it clear He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be blessed by God than cursed. Donald Trump has said he’s a “big fan of Israel,” and Netanyahu is a “great prime minister.” You can read his comments in the Jerusalem Post.

We’d better be Israel’s staunchest ally or we risk God’s wrath. Don’t believe me? Check out The Israel Omen by David Brennan.

The fifth reason why I’m voting for Donald Trump is because he has said he will repeal Obamacare. Enough said.

The sixth reason why I’m voting for Trump is he has made it clear he doesn’t like abortion. I know he has vacillated, but repeatedly, he has said he is uncomfortable with the procedure. Let’s hope he presses forward and makes all abortions illegal. And yes, I agree with Trump’s initial comment before the media lambasted him, if all abortions were made illegal and a woman had one anyway, I believe she should be prosecuted. No one is above the law.

My seventh reason for voting for Donald Trump is he wants to do something about immigration, even if it means building walls around our borders. I support legal immigration—I have two daughters I adopted from other countries, but if people want to live here, they need to assimilate and not expect us to change our laws to fit their radical idealism. Yes—I am speaking of Sharia law. It has no place in America and is a threat to our way of life.

Trump seems to be one of the few willing to give a voice to the dangers associated with radical Islam. Don’t believe me—watch this video and get informed. We must wake up and see what is happening in Europe. It ain’t pretty.

The eighth reason why I will be voting for Donald Trump is this:  I think we need to consider the implications of a woman president. If we elect Hillary Clinton as president, what Islamic leader will sit with her at a table and negotiate anything? Women don’t negotiate with men in Muslim society. They are chattel, good for one thing—making babies.

You think Muslim countries in the Middle East hate us? Think how much more they will deride us if a gentile woman is a president—unless she promotes their agenda and ideology.

My last reason for voting for Donald Trump is an observation made by a prominent pastor in Australia, Steve Cioccolanti. You can watch the full video here. 

 While he makes several statements that are thought provoking, the only one I will mention here is a quote from I Cor 15:52: ... In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. .”

Could this quote from the Bible have more significance than just the blowing of a trumpet? Could God be inferring a double meaning? Of course, Trump has children, so we can’t know, but it’s worth pondering, isn’t it?


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